During and after World War II, the avant-garde artists once again travelled to Bornholm.
The anti-Nazi German art dealer named Herbert von Garvens established 'Abildgård' by Sandkås near Allinge.
Artists as Carl-Henning Pedersen (1913-2007), Else Alfeldt (1910-1974), Asger Jorn (1914-1973), Erik Thommesen (1916-2008), Sven Dalsgaard (1914-1999), Erik Ortvad (1917-2008), Henry Heerup (1907-1993) as well as foreign artists as Eugéne Brands, Constant and Anton Rooskens were attracted to the rich artistic environment and went to Bornholm to work and meet colleagues.
Nonetheless, the artistic invasion left only few traces in Danish art history.
When Europe once again began to open, the artists searched further on. The Bornholm nature and tranquility could not compete with the cosmopolitan life of the big cities.